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Keynote Speaker: Dr. Marc Lamont Hill

The holidays are almost over and AASA will be welcoming the new year with our 2016 MLK Celebration! Come witness Black history being made on January 17th for our MLK Day of Observance with a special Keynote speaker, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill. Dr. Hill is an esteemed professor of African American Studies at Morehouse College, a host of BET News and Huffington Post Live, an award- winning journalist and author, and a political commentator for CNN and FOX News. This ceremony is meant to continue Dr. King's legacy and deliver a message on how to power forward as a people. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS! It is sure to be a night to remember! Doors open at 5:00 and the program begins at 6:00. We can't wait to see you there!

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